Hadoop components for SSIS

This month I published a series on SQL Shack about the Hadoop components added to SSIS in SQL Server 2016 release. The series is composed of three articles as following:

SSIS Hadoop Connection Manager and related tasks

In this article, I gave a brief introduction to Hadoop and how it is integrated with SQL Server. Then, I illustrated how to connect to the Hadoop cluster on-premises using the SSIS Hadoop connection manager and the related tasks.

In this article, I briefly explained the Avro and ORC Big Data file formats. Then, I talked about Hadoop data flow task components and how to use them to import and export data into the Hadoop cluster. Then I compared those Hadoop components with the Hadoop File System Task. Finally, I concluded my work.

In this article, I talked about Hadoop Hive and Hadoop Pig Tasks. I first gave a brief overview of Apache Hive and Apache Pig. Then, I illustrated the related SSIS Hadoop components and alternatives.


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