SSIS - witing a CASE statement in Expression


I'm setting up a package to import an excel spreadsheet into a SQL database. There is a column in the spreadsheet where I would like to pick out keywords and then put them in a new column. In SQL it would be like a basic case statement
case when column_A like '%Norwich%' then 'Norwich'
    when column_A like '%Ipswich%' then 'Ipswich'
    when column_A like '%Cambridge%' then 'Cambridge'
    else 'NA'
end as NewColumn
I have tried the below but I'm guessing its not working properly because I have now wildcards
[Report Title] == "Norwich" ? "Norwich" : [Report Title] == "Ipswich" ? "Ipswich" : [Report Title] == "Cambridge" ? "Cambridge" : "NA"
Report Title                      NewColumn

Norwich is in Norfolk             Norwich
Cambridge is in Cambridgeshire    Cambridge
Suffolk is home to Ipswich        Ipswich


You have to use FINDSTRING() function with nested conditional operators to achieve that:
FINDSTRING([Report Title],"Norwich",1) > 0 ? "Norwich" : (
FINDSTRING([Report Title],"Ipswich",1) > 0 ? "Ipswich" : (
FINDSTRING([Report Title],"Cambridge",1) > 0 ? "Cambridge" : "NA"))


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